Friday, January 26, 2007

I like to use ...

So.... for the first entry I figured I'd explain the name. Simply put, I really like to accomplish nothing watching sports, playing with the boy, surfing the internet (on and on), but I've always got some bs on my agenda, and it annoys me.

Current unwanted todos (that I'll probably put on a list somewhere like 30 times before I do them)
1. taxes - I tend to be overly intimidated by taxes. The current item of intimidation is making sure I have all the housing interest deducted properly and filling jointly for the first time.... oh and what about the wifes 401k to IRA rollover... what does that even mean.
2 though 5. x-factor - the fact that I can only think of 1 unwanted todo means I not thinking clearly right now and I'm screwed.

Wanted todos (aka thinks I try to hype myself up todo and put off for all eternity)
1. Website for family stuff - 6 months of waffling... nothing to show
2. Blog with worth while entry - I just added this so I can feel good about what I'm currently wasting my time on.
3. Investing - I've been reading some Jim Cramer books trying to psych my self up to buying stocks and such. I still don't feel all that comfortable there but hoping to be ready to get started in late March early april. I'll keep you posted.

I also thought I should mention the 2 things I'm going to try to avoid writting about at all costs.
1. complaining about the wife making me do stuff... except using certain code words such as wink, wink and long stretches of inferred cursing (@#$# @$$ horse$#1! *^$$)
2. wonderful things that my son is doing and why he is so much better than everyone else's children (I'll save that for the family website that is due for release sometime in 2013)